Undeniably, the best way to build your portfolio and protect your wealth is with real estate! Now,  with Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) investments, this often ‘daunting’ task just got a whole lot more achievable.

What is SMSF Property Investment?

An SMSF is a private superannuation fund that you (and up to three other people) manage and have complete control over yourself, rather than one that’s managed by a superannuation provider such as AMG Super or AMP Superannuation.
Self Managed Super Funds investments can involve the purchase of both residential and commercial real estate. However, there are rules that affect the property purchase:

  • You, or anyone related to you, cannot reside in the property purchased through the SMSF
  • The property cannot be rented by yourself or a relative
  • The property should be purchased solely for investment purposes

Who can help?

There’s no one more equipped at SMSF property investing than One Contract Property. They’ve created a simple and ground-breaking blueprint for using SMSF investments to finance your development in real estate.
A limitation within the SMSF investment system is that you are unable to invest with a two-part contract, which limits your investment options (usually to stocks and bonds). However, One Contract Property solves that problem by entering a two-part contract with the builder, while you enter a one-part contract with them. A revolutionary solution, allowing the purchase of all types of brand new homes AND land packages and NDIS properties in superannuation!
With One Contract Property, you get the knowledge and expertise of an experienced real estate developer, without giving up control over the project. You choose where you want to build and how much you’re comfortable with investing and they’ll take care of the rest.

How does it work?

SMSF property investing is simple with One Contract Property removing the barriers of a
two-part contract for building and development:
Step One: You (the SMSF) select the location, land, and builder of your future investment, plus negotiate the purchase price you can afford.
Step Two: The next step is to simply pay a 35% deposit and enter into a contract with One Contract Property. You then acquire the land and oversee the construction of the property to ensure it’s what you and the builder agreed on.
Step Three: Upon completion of the home, you pay the remaining 65% balance. The land is then transferred to you from One Contract Property and the sale is finalized with you now owning the investment property completely.

Invest in your future today with One Contract Property and choose a Crystele Homes house and land package for your SMSF Property Investment.
If you wish to advance your retirement situation, contact our expert team today and start the process.

Disclaimer: One Contract Property does not provide any financial advice and encourages you to seek a licensed Financial Planner for all your financial advice.